Prayer Times
The Prayer Time Table of Tromsø has been carefully completed for Tromsø city, based on the very special location of the particular city. Tromsø’s location with regards to latitude (N:69o39) and longitude (E:18o56) give rise for periods of Dark and Light during the winter and summer months respectively. Additionally, this location contributes to longer twilight times than normally found in places around the equator. The principles used for the calculation of prayer times are:
Sunrise and Maghrib; For computational purposes, sunrise or sunset is defined to occur when the geometric zenith distance of centre of the Sun is 90.8333 degrees. That is, the centre of the Sun is geometrically 50 arcminutes below a horizontal plane. For an observer at sea level with a level, unobstructed horizon, under average atmospheric conditions, the upper limb of the Sun will then appear to be tangent to the horizon. The 50-arcminute geometric depression of the Sun's center used for the computations is obtained by adding the average apparent radius of the Sun (16 arcminutes) to the average amount of atmospheric refraction at the horizon (34 arcminutes). These measurements are annualy carried out by the Norwegian Almanac. In the present time table the times of year 2008 have been used. 3 minutes are added to sunset time to denote the start of Maghrib prayer to account for fluctuations between years.
1. | All times given in this table are in Norwegian standard time (NST). | |||||||
2. | SunRise and SunSet times are taken from the Norwegian Almanac for Tromsø 2008. | |||||||
3. | 3 min is added to Zawwal time for Zuhr time, and 5 minutes are added to sunset time for Maghrib time. These minutes are added to allow the fluctuations of minutes from year to year. | |||||||
4. | Fajr and Isha times are calculated at (15°) | |||||||
5. | 1 hour of daylight saving time is added to NST on the 26th of March, and needs to be individually adjusted according to the last Sunday of the present year. | |||||||
6. | 1 hour of daylight saving time which was added on the 26ht of March is subtracted on the 26th of October, and needs to be individually adjusted according to the last Sunday of the present year | |||||||
7. | For Tromsø there are two periods in the beginning and end of summer, when there is no true night despite sunrise and sunset. Hence for these periods the principle of "one seventh of night (Sabe-min-Lail)" has been adopted. These periods last from 26th March to 30th April, and 12th August to 17th September. At start and end of these periods the Fajr and Isha times are significantly changed overnight. | |||||||
8. | For Tromsø there is a period in the summer when there is no night, no sunrise and no sunset. Hence for this period the principle of "Makkan time" has been adopted. This period start from 1st May and end on 11th of August. All prayer times are at the start and end of this period significantly changed. | |||||||
9. | For Tromsø there is a period in the winter when there is no day, no sunrise and no sunset. Hence for this period the principle of "Makkan time" has bee adopted. This period start from the 27th November and end on 14th of January. All prayer times are at the start and end of this period significantly changed. | |||||||
10. | For those days during the summer in which Fajr and Isha does not commencer, any one of the following four options can be adopted. Here option (IV) has been adopted (Reference Moulana Yakub Qasmi, "Investigations on Isha and Fajr times in Britain" (urdu)): | |||||||
I | Nearest Day (Aqrab-Al-Ayyam) | |||||||
II | Nearest Latitude (Aqrab Al-Balad) | |||||||
III | Middle of the Night (nisf Al-Lail) | |||||||
IV | One Seventh of Night (Sabe-Min-Lail) | |||||||
11. | For those days during summer and winter in which the sun does not rise and does not set any of the following four options can be adopted. Here option (IV) has bee adopted: | |||||||
I | Mean Day Time (Ref. Moulana Yakub Qasmi, Dewbury, UK) | |||||||
II | Freeze Time (Ref. Fatwa Mufti Abdussamad, Blackburn, UK) | |||||||
III | Nearest City Time (Ref. Fatwa Mufti Abdussamad, Blackburn, UK) | |||||||
IV | Meccan Time (Ref. Fatwa Dr. Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) |