About ICNN
The Islamic Centre of Northern Norway was founded in 1992 in the city of Tromsø, and is the first registered Islamic Centre in Northern Norway. The Centre is a multinational Islamic Centre with members from countries among others; Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Bosnia, Ethiopia, Iraq , Iran, Cameroon, Chechnya, Libya, Lebanon, Morocco, Mali, Norway, Pakistan, Palestine, Senegal, Somalia, Sudan, Sweden, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey.
The Centre is open for all Muslims regardless of sectarian belonging. The Centre promotes tolerance and respect within members and between religions. It is easily accessible and is open all days between 8 am. and 11 pm.
The main activities represented at the Centre are the arrangements of congregational prayers, a working library and arrangements of matrimonial and burial rituals.
The working Committee of the Islamic Centre of Northern Norway as of elections 01.06.2004 are;
Name Position
Jama Mohamed Jama Chairman
Ahemd Sarira Vice Chairman
Abdi Fatah Librarian
Umaer Naseer Accountant
Hassan Maintainer