The Second Pillar of Islam
Learn how to make Wudu Learn how to Perform Prayer
“Verily Salaat prevents one from shameful and forbidden things; and the remembrance of Allah is the greatest” (QURAN 29:45)
“Salaat is the best of all that has been ordained by Allah” (HOLY PROPHET P.B.U.H)
Salaat occupies a lofty position in the religion of Islam. Its performance is the foremost duty of a Muslim after he has brought faith in the Oneness of Allah Ta’ala and the prophethood of his Holy Messenger, Nabee Muhammad (P.B.U.H). It is a most special act of Divine worship which he is called upon to perform five times daily without fail. The pages of the Quran and Hadith are replete with injunctions which enjoin Salaat on us. It is of such paramount importance that it has been described as a pillar and foundation of faith.
Salaat, if offered with a sincere heart, proper devotion and mental concentration, contributes to the cleansing of the heart, ridding it of the impurities of sin and ultimately transforming one’s entire life. It engenders love for piety and promotes fear of Allah in man. Islam has laid greater emphasis on the institution of Salaat with regularity. Hence after Imaan, Salaat is the bedrock of Islam.
From a study of the traditions of our Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) we learn that Rasoolullah (P.B.U.H) denounced the giving up of Salaat as the way of the unbelievers. He is reported to have said:
“That which separates a believer from infidelity is simply the Salaat.”
“He has no share in Islam who does not offer Salaat”
Rasoolullah (P.B.U.H) sounded a note of warning to Muslims that if they gave up Salaat their conduct would be associated with that of unbelievers.
What a great act of virtue and felicity it is to offer Salaat regularly and how disastrous it is to neglect it, is beautifully summarised in the following prophetic words:
“Whoever will offer the Salaat properly and regularly it will be for him on the Last Day a source of light, a proof of his faith and a means to salvation. (On the other hand) Whoever will not offer it carefully and regularly it will be for him neither a source of light, nor a proof of faith, nor a means of salvation, and the end of such a person will be with Qarun, Fir’aun, Haman and Ubai-bin-Khalaf.”
The ignominy and disgrace that the defaulters of Salaat will be subjected to on the Day of judgement, has been aptly described in the Holy Quran :
“The day that the sin shall be laid bare, and they shall be summoned to bow in adoration, but they shall not be able, their eyes shall be cast down – ignominy will cover them, seeing that they had been summoned aforetime to bow in adoration while they were hale and healthy (and had refused). (LXVIII:42)
According to the above Qur’anic verse mankind will be summoned to bow down in adoration before Allah Ta’ala on the Last Day. Only the fortunate ones, who had during their lifetime made it a practice to be regular in their Salaat , will find no difficulty in bowing down. Those who in spite of being healthy and strong, had not observed Salaat in this world, will discover to their dismay that their backs had suddenly grown stiff with the result that they will remain standing with the infidels unable to prostrate before their Lord and Creator. Such will be the humiliation and disgrace for the defaulters of Salaat! May Allah Ta’ala save us from such ignominy! Ameen
In view of the overriding importance of Salaat in the life of a Muslim there is a great need for a booklet dealing comprehensively with this subject. To practice upon this compulsory injunction of Islam it is imperative for Muslims to acquire sound knowledge of this important subject. Alhamdolillah ! through the Grace , Mercy and Help of Allah Ta’ala this booklet, entitled, “Kitabus Salaat”, is presented to you for your perusal and guidance. This simple presentation fulfils a long-felt need in the field of Islamic education.
It is a invaluable contribution from an Aalim who has dedicated this service to Allah Ta’ala and wishes to remain anonymous.
“Kitabus Salaat” will not only serve as a useful text-book in Madressas but its benefits will even extend to Muslim students as well as other youth who have passed the Madressa stage. Even new converts to Islam, desirous of equipping themselves with the basic knowledge of Salaat and its practical application in daily life will derive tremendous benefit from this booklet. It is undoubtedly a notable contribution .... a booklet embodying a wealth of information. “Kitabus Salaat” is a must for every Muslim home, madressa or school. It would be highly appreciated if , after perusal, any errors are detected, these are brought to our notice.
May Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala accept this humble service from us and reward the author abundantly for his untiring effort in producing this work. May Allah grant him long life prosperity , good health and toufeeq to continue with his selfless sacrifice in the cause of Islam... A a meen
“Successful indeed are the believers who are humble in their Salaat” (23:1-2)